There will be one new blog, every fortnight.
- January 22, 2020
- Finding your inner integrity
There is good news though, that with a bit of mindfulness training and coming to understand how to set personal boundaries, integrity can naturally start to come out and get established.
- By Paul Meek
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- January 14, 2020
- 5 Ways to Get or Keep a Meditation Practice Going
Just doggedly coming back to the cushion, again and again, bringing your awareness back to the breath or the sensation of your body sitting again and again, and eventually, your view may lighten and meditation may suddenly - just for a few moments - seem lighter and more spacious.
- By Paul Meek
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- November 12, 2019
- Reflections on strengthening your life with mindfulness
With stronger boundaries, one has less to dwell on in the past and more confidence that whatever arises in the future can be met and handled; one starts to naturally rest in the present moment and thus mindfulness becomes more natural at this point and can take on life's ups and downs more easily.
- By Paul Meek
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- November 5, 2019
- How to find a balance with personal boundaries
Secondly, that area of safety creates a calm in our lives; being an honest alright guy (or girl) means others trust us and we trust ourselves; relationships like this are happy ones and usually stronger too.
- By Paul Meek
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- October 16, 2019
- How Simple Additions Can Add up to a More Balanced Yoga Practice
It’s not unusual for someone to be tangled in outside thoughts as they go through a yoga routine. Contemplating your to-do list, an event at work or the kids’ school obligations are common concerns that can distract our minds from what we’re actually doing in the moment. Engaging in more mindfulness can reframe your perspective and settle your thoughts.
- By Cheryl Conklin
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